kamiKITA is a community center in Banda Aceh. We would love to provide a safe space for everyone to come, share, network or just for coffee. We believe in empowering people to work together and be a part of a community that builds one another. We want to intentionally be a bridge promoting literacy (health/sport, farming, social, financial, literary, emotional and more) in the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika or unity in diversity.
kamiKITA means kami is we/us exclusively while KITA is we/us inclusively. Legally this project is under Yayasan Sumber Utama (The Source Foundation) but in reality, it belongs to us all.
In the beginning of 2024, the team has expanded to start the business branch to support the social side of the foundation. Sustainability works best when social and economy impacts intertwined. Therefore we work closely with PT Karya Milik Kita and PT Spacetogrow Development Indonesia to partner together building a better community.
Nomor Pengesahan Kemenkumhan: AHU-AH.01.06-0001873
Akta Yayasan: No. 8 tanggal 13 April 2005, No. 64 tanggal 31 Maret 2016 and No. 96 tanggal 21 Desember 2021
NPWP: 02.418.707.2-101.000
Monday-Saturday 08.00-18.00
Sunday OFF
Basic Financial Literacy for everyday living
Vision: a great ecosystem towards financial freedom
Mission: to train, to share, facilitate, to mentor
Working together with Spacetogrow Development Indonesia to facilitate the trainings
Organic Based Farming and Trainings
Vision: a place to share and learn about organic based farming
Mission: to train, to produce, to research, to sell
Basketball? Sure. Volleyball? Sure. Just going active? Definitely!
Vision: a place for everyone to move and play
Mission: to train, to coach, to hold events, to provide space
Check out our GAP Basketball Club and Arrow Basketball Academy for kids under 18 to start loving basketball and socialize with other kids
Named after pak Bill O'Brien, the court will be called BOB Court.
From Waste to Art
Vision: a place to dream
Mission: to research, to campaign, to create, to train
Might be rubbish for you but can be treasure for us
1. Give direct to our bank account in Indonesia: Yayasan Sumber Utama Bank BSI Peunayong Banda Aceh Account #7173182532
2. Buy our Organic Vegetables and Plants on the spot or from Grocery Simpang Lima, Banda Aceh; microgreen sunflower, eggplant, kangkung, spinach, pakcoy, cucumber, beans, tilapia fish, chilli, etc (resellers welcome)
3. Buy our merchandise direct: Compost/Cocopeat/Cocofiber/Burnt Rice Husk Rp 10.000,-; Organic Eco Enzyme/NPK liquid Enzyme/Guano fertilizer Rp 10.000,-; Khamo Organic Soaps Rp 20.000,- (more info from Instagram @kamikitacc
4. Offering Nature Class and Basketball Class (kids and adults) at Rp 20.000,-/pax minimal 15pax. Teachers come free. Anyone/organization can buy this class as a gift to others.
ps. If you give direct through bank transfer, please email the transfer receipt to kamikita.aceh@gmail.com so we can make sure your donation is received. You will be notified within 5 working days.
You can stop by our office for a cup of coffee and just use the contact form below for any questions and inquiries